Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

10 Simple Digital Photography Techniques

Digital photography has revolutionized picture taking, no more old school film and driving to the drug store and waiting for film to develop. Digital cameras allow the photographer the luxury of concentrating on taking pictures and simply delete away those that are not up to standards.

Prior to looking at effective digital photography techniques, it is important to understand the difference between the old school film cameras and the new digital technology. Same as the old school film SLR (single reflex lens) cameras, digital SLR or DSLR (digital single reflex lens) camera use lenses and mirror. But instead of a film that records the image, a DSLR camera uses light sensor chips and digital memory. In other words, a DSLR camera is the computerized version of the traditional SLR camera.

Using these simple and effective digital photography techniques can aid those taking photographs with a DSLR cameras in capturing the best images using the new art of digital photography.

10 Digital Photography Techniques

1. Probably the greatest feature of digital cameras is the fabulous LCD screen that allows for real time preview of pictures as you take them. One of the best and most practical digital photography techniques is to make sure to utilize the LCD to its fullest potential by previewing each each picture and making sure it is perfect, if it's not just click delete it and re shoot.

2. Try to get a digital camera with image stabilization. If you don't have that feature then here is a digital photography technique to get clearer pictures without any blur. Hold your hand steady when taking pictures to prevent it from shaking and moving. Also, it is better to hold your eye up to the optical viewfinder when taking pictures, rather than the electronic viewfinder. This helps you to see exactly what your capturing and also helps to keep the camera steady when taking pictures.

3. Flash seems to be a challenge for most beginner photographers. Most flash technology can only light up a up a subject within an average of 10 to 15 feet. Make sure to move in closer, or add more light to the subject area.

4. Because digital cameras can take slightly longer to focus than film cameras, a good digital photography tip to avoid blurry and out-of-focus shots is to half-depress the shutter button until the camera has had time to lock the focus, and then completely press the button to take the actual shot.

5. The law of optics remains the same whether using new digital photography technology or an old camera. For instance, if the sun is behind an image, the picture will be silhouette. If light is in front of the image, the picture will appear squint.

6. Another digital photography technique is when using a polarizer, be sure that the source of light is perpendicular to the object. If you do not have polarizing filter capability then a good digital photography technique is to use a quality pair of sunglasses. Place the sunglasses as close to the camera lens as possible, then check their position in the LCD viewfinder to make sure you don't have the the sunglasses rims in the picture.

7. Instead of film, digital photography uses memory cards to save shots. A good digital photography technique that can prevent lots of regret is to always have back up memory with you. There is nothing worse than missing that great shot because there is no more storage available in your camera.

8. A good digital photography technique for shooting bright landscapes and outdoor portraits is to change your white balance setting from auto to cloudy, this will yield brighter and clearer shots. This will give a warming filter on your camera and increases the reds and yellows resulting in richer and brighter pictures.

9. Zoom in to emphasize a certain asset or characteristic of the subject being captured. Avoid getting too large of a focus shot, evaluate what you want to capture and focus in on that image, avoiding backgrounds like buildings and landscape, this will give you clearer and better pictures of the object you want.

10. Practice is probably the best tip. The best digital photography technique is to practice using your camera. Get to know it and all the controls and what they do. Take lots of pictures and analyze what works best with your camera and soon you will be an expert with your own list of digital photography techniques.

Digital cameras have really simplified photography and made picture taking so much more mobile and convenient. And employing some of these digital photography techniques will deliver the best pictures of life's memories.

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